I spent a considerable amount of time researching washing machines in general and the following became apparent.
- All new washing machines on sale in Australia from 2011 must rate at least 3 wels stars. This is calculated from the amount of water used per kilo of clothes washed.
- In the states, new legislation has been tightening on on manufacturers to use less water and power in washing machine. They've achieved this by using little stunts like emptying half of the first rinse water and topping it back up with fresh water and calling that a proper rinse cycle. Not having a 100% hot wash cycle, instead diluting the hot down with cold and calling that a hot wash. I'm not 100% how much this affects the australian market.
- Washing machines have become too tech focused with load sensors, moisture sensors and bright flashy displays.
- Reading a whole buttload of online reviews, it seems that this technology failing is the main reason washing machines breaks.
- It takes water to wash clothes. If the clothes are not thoroughly rinsed soap residue will be left behind.
So with this information at hand it was time to make a shortlist.
The citrea was a machine that does a stellar job at washing clothes and is built to last. almost every band was immediately discounted due to high WELS ratings, too much plastic, or too much technology. That left two brands left. Kleenmaid and speed queen. My mum has a kleenmaid washer and its a cracker, well built and has lasted 10+ years without skipping a beat. I went to their website and they don't make washing machines anymore. They now sell speed queen. So i guess the list has been reduced to one!
Harvey norman stock these, but its delivered by the speed queen distributors. Ordered on sunday too delivery on thurs (Worked mon-wed)
Perfect. Looks like it belongs in a laundry mat.
To access the mainbaord only need to undo 3 screws and the whole thing drops forward. Makes changing the mainboard a cinch. Don't even need to more the washer.
Ditto for the font cover (only two screws this time.) Thats the motor bottom middle and the water pump to the right. Looking at how well this thing is made, like those stupid big springs that keep it in balance. I can't help wonder whether its in fact rated greater then the stated 7.5 kilo. If they rated it any more it would have to use less water to achieve the WELS rating. And its difficult to compare to the american ones for weight rating as their machine are listed in drum volumes.
So rounding it up
-Longest washing cycle takes 30mins.
-Put a heap of dirty as shop rags in a load and they came out clean and smelling fresh. (I used to have to wash them twice in the old machine, and that took over 150mins!)
-Looks the business
-No stupid computers or unnecessary functions.
-Start button looks crap and is made of plastic.
-No Buzzer when its done.
Upcoming mods.
-Plenty of room on the inside for sound deadening so i may add some.
-Replace start button
-Replace start button
-Buy cheap digital timer to serve as a notification device when the load is done.