Recently i acquired a 1996 Toyota Hilux. Basically a new car compared to my other ride, a 1966 Valiant! It would be fair to assume that in the 30 year gap between when these vehicles were made things would have changed significantly in specification and safety. So i have compiled a list of significant improvements to the Hilux that aren't found on the valiant.
- Fixed speed intermittent wipers
- FM frequency to the radio
- Power steering
Its quite the list! One thing per decade, woah slow down toyota R&D you're moving too damn fast!
Items of interest that they share:
- Carby's
- Live rear axles
- Leaf springs
- Drum brakes
- Bench seats
- Football field turning circles
- Engines that were developed in the 1950's
So noting the clear lack of creature comforts, i'm on the case to improve that situation.
So far i've added remote central locking and upgraded the interior light to LEDs.
Todays improvement was the addition of a permanently mounted iphone charge cable.
I modified a 1amp 12v to usb adaptor to remove the external contacts and fitted fly leads instead. Next both ends of a retractable iphone charger were reinforced with surgu. Finally i installed this under the dash and wired it in.
The red clamp thing on is a holder for my phone. I cut a small slot in a switch blanking panel to allow the cord through. Works well, and doesn't stick out like dogs balls. Win.
Future upgrades include:
A Sub woofer
Air conditioning
LED lights mounted under the door to provide lighting when the door is open.